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Infinite Flowing Conscious Water Massage with Marc Mori 

Infinite Flowing Conscious Water Massage is an unfolding of Watsu, a form originally developed in California by Harold Dull. Traveling in its own current, the Infinite Flowing method takes people on silent, closed-eye journeys within pools, lakes, rivers, and oceans. The character of the water atones, resonates, and entrains its vibrations upon the body, bringing greater harmony and healing for participants. The practitioner holds the space for the participant to let go and connect with the water. A sense of timeless infinity pervades.

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Harmony is achieved by the entrainment of our bodies with the water. As our bodies are mainly salt water, human beings are like a giant globule of liquid crystal, much like a liquid crystal display. Depending on the energy put into it, the liquid crystal display changes colors and its nature. We are also affected by the energy of the sun, the earth, nature, the wind, fire, and water. This experience intimately connects us with the water within and the rhythms of the sea.

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The moon reflects its light upon the water, just as the state of mind is reflects upon the body. If the mind is relaxed, open, and adaptable, we often see a healthy body full of energy. When the mind is restless, conflicted, and otherwise contained in a box, this often manifests into blockages and disease in the body. Water allows the mind to relax and allows the body to move back into natural, flowing movements, restoring inner peace and health. They say that running water never stagnates, just as our bodies stay healthy through gentle, flowing movements.


The flowing nature of water allows the mind to release anxiety and the body to become encapsulated in a soothing nest, much like a return to the womb. This restoration of safety and comfort releases stressful energy that has kept the body tight, contracted, and unable to expand back into its environment. When the mind and body are at ease, disease leaves the body. The body and mind again pulse towards expansion, able to once again re-engage with life and the world.

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We begin every session singing Dr. Mazuro Emoto's Grand Convocation of Water:






It means:

The Eternal Power of the Universe has gathered itself to create the world with true and grand harmony.

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Participant's answers to this question often reveal some greater truth that brings forward meaning, purpose, and the way forward in their lives.


Water works in its own way, gently reminding us of our nature and the connection to the collective. It is also said that "the river cuts through rock not by its power, but through it's persistence." Water's powerful and persistent nature receives, purifies, and reorders that which we give it, in a way we can live with greater peace and harmony.

"What's your relationship with water?"


When the mind gets into a relaxed state, the body also relaxes. The conscious mind often moves into a half-wake/half-sleep mode ("an alpha - theta state"} where subconscious and somatic understandings rise to surface. As the water receives these understandings, our adult-selves can reflect and process these thoughts and emotions. Many of these thoughts and emotions were blocked from a time it was unsafe to voice or act upon them. Others were blocked and absorbed by the body from the earliest times of our being when we were still unable to articulate and conceptualize our thoughts. The water floats these thoughts, memories, and emotions forward where they can be seen, heard, accepted, and given space to be. There are two sayings that come to mind: "if you can name it, you can tame it;" and, "if you can feel it, you can heal it."

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To schedule this one-of-a-kind experience, you can contact Marc at +971585259787(UAE), +18328348787 (USA and WhatsApp), or at


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