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Primal  5D Qigong 

5th Dimension Qigong with Marc Mori

Welcome to Primal Qigong!

Qigong is an ancient practice whose meaning is broken down to "Qi" - vital lifeforce energy, the breath - and "Gong" - practice or work.  The practice of energy and breath that combines with gentle movement and present moment focus for lasting health.

My name is Marc Mori.  I teach Qigong.  I invite you to come explore a practice of gentle movement, smooth breathing, and present moment focus.  Practicing Qigong relaxes the body and mind and helps us create antidotes that effectively reduce stress and increase our physical, mental, and spiritual vitality.  They say that in China there are over 3,000 forms of Qigong.



I regularly combine three styles:

  • Bujong Qi Gong or Enhanced Vitality Qigong

    • Enhancing the vital energy within

  • ​Zhang Fu Gong or Organ Qigong​

    • Cleansing the organs of the body

  • Zhineng Qi Gong or Wisdom Healing Qigong

    • Healing sounds and embracing life


By combining the above practices we are able to explore Qigong that benefits the body, the breath, and the mind in the following ways:

  • Cultivation of our Qi

    • Enhancing the vital qualities of the energy within and around us

    • Increasing the purity, the quantity and the flow of our energy​

  • Exploring the five-element practice - Fire, Earth, Metal/Air, Water, Wood 

    • To acknowledge any stuck emotional energy and slowly move the energy to free and transform it to work for us​

    • Become familiar how our organs play a role in our emotional and physical health

  • Discovering the "Healer Within" to help heal ourselves create antidotes to stress - stress is recognized by the medical community as the number one cause of "dis-ease"

  • ​Learning to accept and embrace reality, our feelings, our physical, and material conditions, moving slowly through our challenges, and openness towards transformation
Primal 5D Qigong - Body, Breath, Mind, Massage and Sound
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Marc is a sound healing practitioner and coach who combines Qigong Healing Sounds with Himalayan Healing Bowls, Biofield Tuning Forks, and role playing.  Combining sound with gentle body movement, long, smooth, and deep breathing, as well as with Qigong Massage techniques we seek to create a deep state of relaxation.  In this deep state of relaxation, we are able to slow the cycles of our brain waves and are able to better understand our conscious and subconscious challenges.

Some of the benefits of Primal Qigong are as follows:

  • Reduces tension

  • Increases physical strength, flexibility, and stamina

  • Increases blood and oxigen circulation 

  • Activates the lymphatic system to detoxify

  • Harmonizes the autonomous nervous system

  • Builds neural transmitters to calm the mind and body

  • Produces beneficial chemicals for the body


Beneficial Chemical Release


When you are relaxed and in the Qigong flow, you produce beneficial natural chemicals within your body that only you can produce - you can't buy thes at the pharmacy:

  • Endorphins = Happiness, euphoria and extra energy

  • Sarotonin = Safety, calmness, confidence

  • Dopamine = Reward hormone

  • Oxytocin = Love harmone

Overcoming Challenges and Growth

When challenged in our daily lives, it is helpful to fully connect with our bodies.  Listening to our body while fully accepting and taking responsibility for all sensations and feelings within us is a first step towards compassion for ourselves and others.  We move from the disconnection of the ego towards connection to the wholeness and oneness with nature. We choose to move slowly through challenging situations, taking in the experience. Moving deliberately, from tension to flow, we stay curious and invite a response or observation. We move beyond discomfort towards resilience as we transform, embracing the wholeness of our experience - appreciating and celebrating all life, connected to our whole being - our universal essence.


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